The Crew

The Crew

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teaching has began

Hello again,

so i lied about my next post coming at the end of the week. A few things happened that I wanted to share with you all. We will begin with Sunday. I left off saying I was going for supper at one of the principal's house. Well the was an UNDERSTATEMENT!! We went for supper but what we got was a lot more than we had bargained for. We were expecting to come to the house have a fish supper and go back to the hotel, well we began with a walk down a steep, steep hill. It was so steep we had to walk down zig zag. All we knew was that we were going to get our fish for supper. Along the way we pass a couple pools of water in which there are tiny fish swimming. It turns out that this principal had a fish farm. So we eventually make it down to the bottom and we see this muddy hole with water and we are instructed to take of our shoes and we are given a strainer. We were now at the point where we had to catch our supper. So we did just that, each of us got in the hole and attempted to catch a fish using just a strainer. It was a very interesting feeling because was you were in one corner of the hole there were fish swimming between your feet. It was a very interesting feeling, it really caught you off surprise. It also took awhile to develop a strategy in order to catch the fish. Eventually I caught my first and then my second. After that my turn was over and it was another person's turn in the hole.

As the other members of the group were in the hole I lay beside the hole with my hands and attempted to catch the fish with just my hands. This was something I thought would be quite impossible, turns out I was wrong. In fact I did not catch one fish with my hands but I caught two fish. I feel this was pretty impressive considering our group of 10 caught 9 fish total. Doing a rough calculation, I caught about 45% of the fish. (this is my moment of glory so I am going to brag) After catching the fish we then had to make our way back to the top of the hill. Here we then had to clean and prep the fish. What we had to do was descale the fish, clean the fish and then prep the fish. All we had to do to prep the fish was cut about four slits in the fish from dorsal fin to caudal mouth and put a little salt on the meat. We then cooked the fish in a clay oven. It was AMAZING!! Truly another experience I will never forget. I don't know how many more of these experiences I can handle.

Monday and Tuesday were our first two days in the school . All I can say is what a wonderful experience. The students are so energetic and participate in anything. They are respectful and I am loving my time in the schools. I'm sure your wondering how I am doing knowing next to no Spanish. Well I have learned a lot of Spanish over the past 5 days and can communicate as long as it is written down. My new favorite word is escrible. This means write it down. If I can see it I know what they are asking but the Spanish language is spoken so fast that when listening I cannot understand. The students are now into a routine of writing down any questions they have and with what English they have they attempt to ask that way. It is really good because we are both learning, I am learning Spanish from them and they are learning English from me. Today Flo (a girl in the group who I am partnered with at the Calderon school) and I taught our first English class. It was kind of unexpected because the English teacher was sick and we were kind of thrown into the position. But it was so good and so much fun. We some of the parts of the body and did by singing the head and shoulders, knees and toes song. There is video so once I get my hands on it I will post the video.

That is about all for now tomorrow is back in the school and on the weekend is the markets.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Justin. These are amazing experiences. Now you've turned into a fisherman. Amazing. Maybe you'd be a good Gimli boy afterall. I will be meeting with the SJ group tomorrow and will share your stories.

