The Crew

The Crew

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the feeling of panic is setting in!!

First off I would like to thank everyone who is following my blog. I hope to provide an insight into the education world in Ecuador, both the good and bad. I will be sharing my experiences and struggles and hopefully I will be able to give you a little idea of what great opportunity I have been able to partake in.

This program has officially moved into the "it's happening" mode. I am greatly anticipating my experience of a lifetime. In only 14 days I will be on a plane flying high over the Andes Mountains and arriving into the capitol city of Quito. Plans are being finalized as I type and so many thoughts are running through my mind, especially thoughts of what still needs to be accomplished. Each day ends quicker and each week arrives faster. It will not be long until that morning of the 27th arrives and I will be saying good bye to Canada for quite some time. I am excited, yet very nervous and am still trying to recollect on what I am to expect on arrival. So far I am going in fairly blank and hope to feel a little less pressure closer to the date, but for now all I can do is prep and wait. O yeah teaching would be good idea seeing as my career as a professional student is quickly coming to an end. One more week and it's official, I will be certified.

Until then keep following I will update very soon

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